Abel- Rowntree- Turner Award


To recognize an individual(s) under the age of 35 years who is contributing to scientific research in the field of apheresis.


Individuals under the age of 35 years to be selected from the abstract submissions to the Congress, and who are making significant contributions to the discipline of apheresis. They must be the originator of the intellectual property and responsible for the majority of the practical work.  The must be the first author on the paper and present it at the meeting.


Candidates may register their abstract by checking the box on the abstract form to indicate they are eligible for the Young Investigators Award.  The abstract form will include the criteria information.  No entries will be considered for the award after the abstract submission deadline.


Candidates’ abstracts will be judged by the International Organizing Committee of the Congress.  All abstracts will be blinded for anonymous review and will be graded by a point system before the meeting.  In the event of a tie, the WAA Board of Directors will make the final selection.